Shtuff :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

And on the 5th day..

Today... well... today was a lot of work. And different-ness.

So I started off by eating waffles (scrumptious)
which led to moving a CRAP load of stuff to the new house. That lasted for like 8 hours. Mmmmm. I love me some manual labor.

Then my parents took us to see Cap'n 'Merca and that was pretty good. I'm impressed by the movies awesome tie-ins to the Marvel comics.

During the movie, I missed 3 calls, which I'm assuming were from the one and only person in the world I would actually like to talk to and be with lately. And Now she's asleep.

I can't really explain to you how epically and totally sad this makes me. I work a whole day, just to miss out on my girlfriend. I'm sorry Syd :(

I would like to show you how this actually makes me feel..


That would the result of my forehead meeting my keyboard. Bahumbug.

and now I have to sleep in my room, which is so different it might as well be some random room in Pakistan. My life is off balance.

I miss you.

Don't hate me.

Her Boyfriend

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day Thrfour.

might have skipped day 3. or not, since I'm mashing it here into lovely #4, so,

Enjoy :)

Day 3: Work, home, sleep, end.

Day 4: Not quite as pleasant.

I got ditched by both parties of the partying-party...(make sense?)

then I got yelled at by the hipocritical Parental Slave Laborers, and this particular Blogger was less than pleased.

Then I took my medication, which was a healthy dose of Sydney via Skype :) then I felt better.
We did end up launching them there fiyur werks, which was decent, but now, I feel realize Fireworks ain't nuthin without the lady to watch 'em with :)

My belly rumbles with the need for hands and my... uh... Sydney Stone? ;)

(Llamas with hats reference, whaaat?)

I could use the real thing, no offense Tigger :)
just a thursday away :)

Meanwhile, I'm sure I'll eat, poop, sleep, work, hate, and... well... other stuff.


The Newbilly

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Zweite Tage (2nd Day)

Just as equally pathetic as yesterday. Waking up without having a radiant sun of utter awesomness around is a bit tougher than I imagined. I know all of THIS might bug everyone else who reads my blog (except for a cetain someone) but this is good for me. I could use a vent :)

So today I basically did what I'm really good at without her around.


I don't want to change it really. Not sure if its laziness or patheticitus, but it is what it is.

I miss her. I feel it my very innards. This isn't the normal feeling of missing someone either. It just... is.
haha I'm pathetic.

Well, to sum it all up, I miss her. And there's not a damned thing I can do about it ;)

I'm sure this'll pass like a freaking PAINFUL kidney stone. (kidney rhymes with Sydney)
Unfortunately, this won't pass until about (random guessing skills)....
Thursday of next week?

Until then..

Fare thee well :)
The Newbill

P.s. You better be safe out there :)

Haaa. I swore.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day #1

Day one:
I worked, then came home.
Its almost overly cliche, but you never really know what you have until it's gone. Or on vacation.

I miss you :)


Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I don't really want to do this. But I will. Not cuz I have so many people who'll read this. In fact, I doubt the 5 people that "follow me" will really even bother. Not that I care.


I just feel grateful and happy that I have Sydney. And I'm sad she's leaving for a week, but I'm happy she'll be out, enjoying life the way that it should be lived :) I'm happy that she's so epically awesome, and I am glad I have the opportunity to even consider her mine!

On another note, I am a little ticked about what's going on with Lehi's Drumline, and the staffing decisions that have been made recently. But honestly that is a little bump in my life right now.

If you read this Syd, then I hope you know I miss you already and I hope you're having fun, cuz if not, I'm gonna steal you back to the good ol' USA.

Signing off and forever Her's
