Today... well... today was a lot of work. And different-ness.
So I started off by eating waffles (scrumptious)
which led to moving a CRAP load of stuff to the new house. That lasted for like 8 hours. Mmmmm. I love me some manual labor.
Then my parents took us to see Cap'n 'Merca and that was pretty good. I'm impressed by the movies awesome tie-ins to the Marvel comics.
During the movie, I missed 3 calls, which I'm assuming were from the one and only person in the world I would actually like to talk to and be with lately. And Now she's asleep.
I can't really explain to you how epically and totally sad this makes me. I work a whole day, just to miss out on my girlfriend. I'm sorry Syd :(
I would like to show you how this actually makes me feel..
That would the result of my forehead meeting my keyboard. Bahumbug.
and now I have to sleep in my room, which is so different it might as well be some random room in Pakistan. My life is off balance.
I miss you.
Don't hate me.
Her Boyfriend
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